Jan Baracz
Christoph Draeger
Peter Fend
Rainer Ganahl
Noritoshi Hirakawa
Simone Huelser
Joerg Lohse
Wolfgang Staehle
Caspar Stracke
Beat Streuli
Enlarge  | unframed

Joerg Lohse

800 USD - framed
13 x 11 inches
Signed on back, numbered, and dated.

Edition of 9

#1 of a set of 3
(scroll down for other works in the set)

Set of 3 works available at a special price of $1,500 unframed and at $2,400 framed.

Limited amount of singles available: $600 unframed and $800 framed.

Produced and published by Thing Editions.

The portfolio of 3 consists of "Brooklyn Botanic Garden X" as well as "Dusseldorf III" and "Hofgarten Dusseldorf II."

The work is part of Joerg Lohse's ongoing "Nature at Work" series, which captures unexpected juxtapositions of nature and the urban environment. Lohse's series of photographs crop their subjects much in the same way that the city encloses nature within manicured public gardens and parks. Nature is depicted as controlled, made accessible to a city's population. Plate glaass and an industrial vent frame a Chinese Elm, the well-kept tree itself a representation of mastery over the natural world. Landscape is both literally and figuratively interiorized; it is kept at a distance from park and garden visitors, made safe and unthreatening.

Joerg Lohse was born in Chemnitz (formerly Karl-Marx-Stadt, GDR), Germany. At age 19 he moved to Düsseldorf. After finishing his art education, he was assistant to Bernd and Hilla Becher for about 3 years before moving to New York in 2003.

His work has been exhibited in solo shows at Klinkhammer und Metzner Galerie, Düsseldorf; as well as various group shows internationally.

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Other works available by Joerg Lohse
Hofgarten Dusseldorf II
Düsseldorf III